Tuesday, June 5, 2012


June 1, 2012

"Live to Serve"

            Today we went to Unachi, a university in the town of David about an hour away from San Felix.  Dr. Cadena (our fearless leader) and some of the school's staff were presenting to the nursing students what exactly we are doing here.  She explained that we were developing a relationship with the school, the students, and the indigenous communities in the region.  Apparently the university is in the process of getting an accreditation of sorts and Cadena has been helping to support their efforts.  Following the lecture we were given a tour of their nursing school building which is currently being renovated.  We got to see their simulation lab which uses iStan dummies like we have at USF.  They have about the same number of students as we do yet only a fraction of the equipment which, although I complain at times about the lack of organization in the program, made me appreciate all of the resources we have available to us.
Simulation lab at Unachi

               After our tour we were led back to the auditorium where we were presented with a fashion show and dancing in traditional Panamanian styles from throughout history.  This time we were able to sit wherever we wanted (as opposed to the front row) and we got to mingle with some of the Unachi students.  It was surprising how easily we could communicate even though we only know a little Spanish, and they only knew a little English.  After the final dances and bows and applause, the presenters ran into the audience and pulled random people up on stage to dance together.   It was really entertaining watching all of the professoras shaking their booties!

We had lunch at the school and were then permitted to walk around campus and check out the bookstore if so desired while Dr. Cadena met with some of the Unachi faculty.  We attempted to play a joke on her by getting the bus driver to hide the bus around the side of the school, but when she showed up an hour and a half later than she was supposed to (Panamanian time) it didn't quite have the same effect.  From Unachi we went to TGI Fridays for happy hour, and from there to Pizza Hut!  This was the first time many of us had had American food in over a week, and everyone dove right in.  To top it off, Jessie surprised us all with McDonald's sundaes after dinner!  By far, the best food day we have had.

Happy hour long islands!

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