Saturday, June 9, 2012

Las Olas

June 2, 2012

               Today was beach day!  We went to a resort called Las Olas ("waves") about an hour outside of David, Panama.  The first thing we did once we got our wrist bands was go down to the beach to check it out.  There were actual waves, not little ankle lickers, but real waves big enough to body surf on!  Aside from the hot black sand and 80 degree water it reminded me of beaches back home :).

               After playing around for a bit, we decided to take some group photos.  Trying to coordinate 16 girls doing handstands, cartwheels, and cheer jumps was a little difficult but really fun.

               We pretty much took over the resort.  There was also a pool with two swim up bars and a little snack bar, so we ate lunch and dinner there and left around 9pm.  A much needed day away from work and "the compound"  :).

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